Stories Wanted: 4/11/2009

04 Nov2009
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Today’s Story Requests from the National Magazines and Newspapers.

To submit your details please visit:



Story / Case Study Wanted: The relative of an honour-killing victim.

Newspaper or Magazine: Sunday Newspaper.

More info: Must be female and under 30.

Story / Case Study Wanted: Women to confess to outrageous office party antics.

Newspaper or Magazine: Glossy Women’s Magazine.

More info: For a fun piece on the outrageous things women get up to at office parties.

Story / Case Study Criteria: Case studies have to be women aged 18-40. Although we can have a couple anonymous, most will have to be identified and pictured. Ideal confessions would include:

  • Slept with boss.
  • Pregnant after sleeping with someone at the office party.
  • Spending night in cells.
  • Snogging someone you wouldn’t have looked at twice sober, but have since married.

Basically anything that could be considered confession worthy. Unfortunately we can’t use women who have been in the media before.

Story / Case Study Wanted: Girls who’ve been left with an unwanted pregnancy / STD after a Christmas fling.

Story Info: I’m looking for any girls who’ve had a festive fling and been left with an unwanted present. They may have had an unwanted pregnancy or developed a nasty STD. The case study just needs to be about casual sex at Christmas time and how it’s affected their lives.

Story / Case Study Criteria: Female, aged 18-35.

Story / Case Study Wanted: A woman whose life has dramatically changed through weight loss.

Story Info: For a piece featuring several inspirational weight loss stories.

Story / Case Study Criteria: Needs to be a woman aged 18-40, whose story is not your average diet story. It has to be emotional, inspirational and include an event that shows how losing weight has turned their life around. Such as:

  • Getting a new job.
  • Being able to conceive.
  • Finding love for the first time.
  • Having the confidence to step out the front door for the first time in months/years.
  • Stopped their children from being bullied.

The case study will need to be identified. We will do a glam photo-shoot too. However, we can\’t use women who have already told their story.

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