Get paid to appear in a magazine; JULY Story Requests

19 Jul2016
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We are desperate to find more stories to fill the mags and papers, so now is the best time for YOU to share your story and GET PAID.  We’ll consider any story, but if you can help with any of these specific requests please contact us by using the ‘Story Valuation’ form.

If you can help with any of these stories, or you have any other story that would be suitable for a women’s magazine or newspaper feature, please submit your interest on our Story Valuation form on this page.
  • My child is addicted to Pokemon Go.
  • I am addicted to Pokemon Go.
  • Victims of love rats, cheats and con-artists.
  • Mums whose children have been cyber-bullied.
  • My toy boy is much younger than me.
  • I struggle by on benefits.
  • I’ve had cosmetic surgery and look unrecognisable. 
  • I want my child to be famous (parents who will do whatever it takes to get their children to the top).
  • I spoil my children with loads of gifts (parents who confess to spoiling their children).
  • Women over 50 who still have a kinky love life (we’re seeking ladies who can give advice on how to maintain a racy love life in their 50s).
  • Couples who have a racy/surprising love life (we want to speak to a couple who have an unusual or interesting love life, or maybe you’ve agreed not to make love at all?).
  • Women to talk about being in casual relationships (we want to talk to a woman who prefer to be in casual relationships rather than being tied down to a serious relationship).
  • Couples who have re-married each other after previously separating.
  • People who have suffered racial abuse since Brexit.
  • People who are already feeling the effect of Brexit (positive or negative). 
  • Couples who have split up over Brexit.
  • Woman who has been conned by man she met on-line.
  • Women who will talk about taking drug$ and/or legal hlghs.
  • Female victims of crime where the perpetrator has been convicted.
  • I make money through my “unusaul” job (we’d like to speak to women who have very unusual or risky careers).
  • Women who have slept with 100 or more men and are proud of it (we’d like to speak to empowered women who don’t see anything wrong with having many partners).
  • People who have contracted an STI.
  • Someone who has moved from a city to the countryside as they are scared of being in a terrorist attack.
  • Large weight loss (ten stone or more).
  • My child is transgender or has gender identity issues.
If you can help with any of these stories, or you have any other stories or experiences that you would like to contribute to the real-life section of a magazine or newspaper, please let us know by completing the Story Valuation form on our site.  There is no obligation and we won’t print anything without your permission.  You only need to provide a few details which are for valuation purposes only.
Categories Latest Media Requests

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