Britain’s Biggest Online Agency are… Famous Features

26 Oct2011
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By Sally Windsor, joint Company Director.You heard me right! Famous Features press agency is now both the largest and fastest growing press agency in the UK. With 11 brilliant reporters and two talented photographers, boasting a massive 10,000 contacts on our database – it’s impossible for us not to feel the need to gloat just a little. Since begging our business four years again, my business partner Oliver McAninch and I have created eight websites under the Famous Features brand, set up a PR facility and moved into new premises THREE times to cope with our ever-increasing workforce.Not to mention our success rate of our talented trainee reporters getting jobs within the national media. With Famous Features reporters heading up key roles in women’s weekly and glossy magazines, and national newspapers – our alumni is stretching far and wide, making the brand name ever bigger in the industry.Just today, new Junior Reporter Patrick Gysin and Senior Reporter Jenny Francis have double-page spreads in both The Sun and The Mirror, with other massive shows in this week’s weekly magazines.  We’ve come a long way from Ollie in his geeky bedroom at his parent’s house in Bath, building our first website, and me feeding my baby, (who’s not a baby anymore), pureed mush whilst making phone calls to prospective interviewees from my kitchen in Hove!And we intend to become even more of a force to be reckoned with in the next 12 months with some groundbreaking plans to bring the world of the press agency even more into the 21st century than we already have – so watch this blog space… and don’t forget, that if you want the best deal for your real-life story and cash before Christmas – get in touch on 0845 83 88 555.

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