FamousFeatures provide a fast, friendly, and completely free service to help people get the most from selling their true stories to newspapers and magazines.
Our recent clients page contains a small selection of our latest stories that have appeared in the national press. You’ll also find on this website the latest tips for selling stories to the national press, as well as daily updates of stories, case studies and articles that the national media are looking for right now.
If you want to sell a story to a magazine or newspaper, or you are an aspiring writer, or you would like to appear as a magazine or newspaper case study, you’re in the right place. See the contact us page for various ways to get in touch.
FamousFeatures represents a handful of leading freelance journalists working within the real-life and news industry. The journalists are nationally recognised contributors to all of the leading national newspapers and weekly human-interest magazines. We work alongside SWNS who are the largest independent press agency in the UK and supply up to 20% of all print news to the national media.
We sell stories to all of the following publications. Sell your story to…
- The Daily Mail Newspaper
- The Mail on Sunday Newspaper
- Femail Magazine
- Closer Magazine
- Love it! Magazine
- The Sun Newspaper
- The Sun on Sunday
- Sunday Mirror Newspaper
- The Metro
- Reveal Magazine
- The Daily Mirror Newspaper
- Daily Express Newspaper
- Sunday Express Newspaper
- Fabulous Magazine
- Real People Magazine
- Take a Break Magazine
- That’s Life Magazine
- Chat Magazine
- Pick Me Up Magazine
- Bella Magazine
- The People Newspaper
- Woman’s Weekly
- Woman’s Way
- Woman’s Own
- Best Magazine
…and many more.
How to sell your story to the press
You will get the best deal for selling your story from FamousFeatures – that is guaranteed.
We will sell your story directly to the editors of the national magazines and newspapers, in the right order, to ensure you maximise your income. This is because some publications require total exclusivity, some will not follow certain publications, some are happy to buy ‘second rights’ or ‘third rights’, whilst some will pay to print your story after it has been used by almost everybody already. We work with television companies if you would like to share your story on programmes such as This Morning and Good Morning Britain, and we sell stories to overseas magazines.
If you only wish to sell your story to one magazine or newspaper, we will auction it to the highest bidder. Or, if you have a specific publication in mind, we can arrange that for you too.
Our service is completely free to you. We are paid directly from the publication to source stories and write them in the specific set style of the magazine or newspaper. You will also be paid directly from the newspaper or magazine upon publication, or in some cases you will be paid directly from our accounts department.
To read more about how to sell your story, read or Sell My Story page.
Recent stories from FamousFeatures
You can read more of our recent client stories here. Or you can see a selection below:
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