Stories Needed 17/9/2010: Earn Cash Today

17 Sep2010
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Stories are urgently needed.  You will be paid to appear in a magazine or newspaper story.

Just visit to tell us if you would like to get paid to be in any of these real life stories or features.  Send us your details by filling in our online form (located at ).

Also – please get in touch if you have any other stories that you would like us to consider.  We are looking for new story ideas every day. Your real life experiences and true stories could earn you cash; sell a story today.

Story or Person Wanted: Someone who broke free of the benefits trap.
Where the Story or Article will Appear: National Newspaper Story.
Info: We are urgently looking for someone who grew up in a family on benefits but has managed to break free of the benefits trap and really make something of their life. Perhaps growing up in that environment actually made them determined not to follow the same route themselves. This is a positive piece to show that even without hard working role models around you as a child you can still break away from all that and make a better life for yourself.
Criteria: Male or female aged 18 or over.

Story or Person Wanted: Man with a visible health condition – who is looking for a cure.
Where the Story or Article will Appear: BBC TV programme.
Info: We are urgently looking for a man with a visible health condition who would like treatment from a leading doctor.  He might have seen a few doctors already and has been unable to get to the bottom of his problem.  It is for a new BBC programme.
Criteria: Male, with visible health condition.

Story or Person Wanted: Christmas stories please.
Where the Story or Article will Appear: Woman’s Magazine Story.
Info: We are ideally looking for strong Christmas stories that touch upon how the recession has impacted families and the way they’ve had to downsize festivities. Anything particularly heartbreaking – not medical – or uplifting very much welcome.
Criteria: Mostly after mums aged 30-50 but am open to hearing ideas!

Story or Person Wanted: Halloween and Bonfire stories.
Where the Story or Article will Appear: Woman’s Magazine Article.
Info: We are looking for a spooky story to use for Halloween and a Bonfire/Guy Fawkes one.
Criteria: Ideally female, but they can be talking about their partner or children.

Story or Person Wanted: a woman who has been told a shocking secret by a family member.

Where the Story or Article will Appear: Glossy Women’s Magazine Story.
Info: The secret could be that her mother had an eating disorder when she was younger; a parent had been in prison; a parent had had an affair; a sibling/half sibling had been born and adopted; had a family member been married before; was somebody close illiterate, family member had an addiction etc etc.
Criteria: women need to be between 30-55.

Story or Person Wanted: The family of a victim whose offender is due for release or has been released.

Where the Story or Article will Appear: Women’s magazine story.
Info: We’re doing a feature on sentencing and are looking for the family of a victim who are unhappy with the jail sentence the offender got, because they are due for release (to serve the rest of their time on license) or have been released. The person who speaks needs to be female and the victim can be male or female. It doesn’t matter when the crime happened, but the offender needs to have been charged and was released within the last year or is due to be released in the next few months. They will need to be pictured and a payment will be made.
Criteria: The family member needs to be female (mum, sister or partner) and can be any age from 20 to 55. The victim can be male or female and any age.

Story or Person Wanted: A woman/couple who bought sperm over the internet.
Where the Story or Article will Appear: National Daily Newspaper Story.

Info: We are trying to find someone who bought sperm over the internet to talk about what happened, what their experience was etc. This includes women who bought sperm then changed their mind about using it.  We would also be interested to speak to a man who sold sperm over the internet, or who was a sperm donor, or went down the route then changed his mind.
Criteria: None.

Story or Person Wanted: Victims of Botox cowboys.
Where the Story or Article will Appear: Women’s Magazine Story.

Info: A new study says that one in 20 women who have botox in the UK suffer complications thanks to Botox cowboys.  We are looking for a case study who has had a horrific experience as a result of using a dodgy Botox doctor.
Criteria: Need to be female and have strong before and after photos.

Story or Person Wanted: Party changed my life.
Where the Story or Article will Appear: Glossy Women’s Magazine.
Info: We are looking for case studies for a piece on ‘The party that changed my life’.  Examples are:
I met my husband after being single for eight years;
I met my future business partner;
I changed career – and became a party planner/amazing DJ or somesuch;
I met my long lost brother;
I had an accident and was paralysed;
I hit rock bottom – and rose to the surface.
Criteria: Women aged 18-35.

Story or Person Wanted: A lapdancer who went to university and has a degree.
Where the Story or Article will Appear: Women’s Magazine Article.

Info: We are looking for a girl who works as a lap dancer in a club but also has a degree.
Criteria: Female – needs to have proof of degree and be happy to do a shoot.

Story or Person Wanted: Girl to tell us how she tamed her man, or how she couldn’t!
Where the Story or Article will Appear: Women’s weekly – glossy magazine story.

Info: We’re looking for someone who’s tamed her boyfriend to become a one-woman man. And someone else to tell us how she tried to do that, and failed. Criteria: 20-30 years old, female.

Story or Person Wanted: A severely overweight woman who claims she is too fat too work.

Where the Story or Article will Appear: Glossy Women’s Magazine.
Info: We’re looking for someone willing to admit that they are too fat to work and unwilling to seek employment for an article debating whether being overweight does limit your job opportunities or is just an excuse for laziness.
We’d also like to find an overweight woman earnestly seeking work who has been turned down for jobs because of her size, and an overweight woman who is gainfully employed and thinks being big should not be an excuse for unemployment.
Criteria: Participants should be aged 18-45, and female.

Story or Person Wanted: A crime story about a woman aged mid 30s to mid 50s.
Where the Story or Article will Appear: Weekly Women’s Magazine.
Info: We are looking for crime stories – it could be something along the lines of a woman who turned her life around after her husband tried to kill her, or it could be a heartbreaking murder story. Or it could be a woman’s desperate hunt to find her loved-one’s killer.

Criteria: The woman needs to be mid 30s to 40s, and identified.

Story or Person Wanted: Teen who has suffered a large number of STDs.

Where the Story or Article will Appear: Glossy magazine.
Info: The girl (or maybe boy) would need to be willing to speak openly and be identified and pictured.  They will be paid for their participation.

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Please get in touch if you think you could help with one of these magazine or newspaper stories.  We will pay you for your participation, so visit today and fill out our online form.

If you would like to sell a story that isn’t on the above list, just let us know, we are looking for all kinds of stories.

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