Easy Cash in the New Year: Story Requests 6/1/2010

06 Jan2010
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Earn easy cash in the New Year.  We are looking for the following people to appear in newspaper and magazine articles. Simply read the requests below and then visit: www.FamousFeatures.co.uk to send us your details or sell another story to the press.



Person or Story Wanted: Weekend dad

Where the story will appear: National Newspaper.

More info: We are looking for a dad who is separated from his kid’s mum and only sees them at the weekends and during the holidays ie he is a Weekend Dad.  Most importantly his ex must give permission for the children to be photographed and identified. This is essential.

Special criteria: Male 20-45.

Person or Story Wanted: A family on benefits

Where the story will appear: National Newspaper.

More info: We’re looking for a family who are all on benefits to feature in a piece for The Sun where we give them advice on how to get a job, get fitter and healthier and reduce the amount they claim from the state. Ideally we’d need a mum and dad, and children of working age, along with any other family members who want to take part. We will pay a fee to them.

Person or Story Wanted: A woman who fell in love with her housemate.

Where the story will appear: Glossy woman’s magazine feature.

Story Info: We are looking for a woman who lived with her husband/boyfriend as housemates (maybe at college or university), before they got together.

Case Study Criteria: She must be 21-29.

Person or Story Wanted:  Young(ish) women who’ve lost weight and ditched their men.

Where the story will appear:

Story Info: A line-up piece featuring three women who dumped their blokes after losing weight and gaining confidence. It could be the best thing they ever did – or something they’ve lived to regret.

Case Study Criteria: Ideally in 20/30s but could stretch to early 40s. Must be able to provide before and after pics of weight loss.

Person or Story Wanted: A woman who knew her husband/boyfriend as a friend before they got together.

Where the story will appear: Glossy woman’s magazine feature.

Story Info: We are looking for a woman who knew her husband/boyfriend as a friend before they got together. Ideally, he would have been her best friend’s brother/ brother’s friend or they would have known each other when they were very little.

Case Study Criteria: She must be 21-29 and preferably will be married or engaged.

Person or Story Wanted: My boyfriend\’s a cross-dresser.

Where the story will appear: Glossy Woman’s Magazine.

Story Info: We would like to find a girl in her 20s who discovered her boyfriend was a cross-dresser and she’s still with him.

They will both need to be pictured and we’ll need a chat with both of them.

Case Study Criteria: Aged between 20-29

Person or Story Wanted: Gay parents (preferably dads).

Where the story will appear: Glossy Woman’s Magazine.

Story Info: We are URGENTLY looking for two gay parents (preferably men but will consider female case studies) for a positive feature on modern families in 2010.   They must have had the child together as a couple (ie we do not want case studies who have children from a previous heterosexual marriage).

Both parents must be identified but we can conceal the child’s face through photography if they do not wish for them to be identified.

Case Study Criteria: Male or female 20-45

Person or Story Wanted:  Single woman who conceived through sperm donation.

Where the story will appear:  Sunday Newspaper.

Story Info: We are URGENTLY looking for a single mother who conceived through sperm donation for a positive feature on modern families. She must be identified but we can conceal her child’s face through photography if she does not wish for them to be identified.

Case Study Criteria: Female aged 20-45

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