New FamousFeatures Journalist – 22.04.10

23 Apr2010
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Meet our new FamousFeatures staff writer – Lorna Gray

‘First Day Jitters’

Starting a new job can be pretty daunting so I was feeling suitably nervous when I began my first week as staff reporter at Famous Features last Monday. Now I’ve worked a variety of jobs in my time. In my late teens I worked at a garden centre and a chip shop – neither of which agreed my nails but I enjoyed them nonetheless.  So no horror stories there.  Unless you count getting slapped with a bit of haddock or having to dress up as an elf at Christmas…

During university, I worked at a popular high street clothes shop – heaven for me but don’t think my bank balance would agree. Then I entered the wondrous world of journalism. I can safely say – every day is a new learning experience and an adventure in this line of work. So it’s best to keep your wits about you at all times unless you want to look like a prize tool.

And the editors? Trust me – the ladies I’ve worked under mean business (one work experience boy went out at lunch and didn’t come back because he was so scared of one particularly scary news editor).  But I have a feeling this is going to be different. I’ve reached the end of my first week relatively unscathed (apart from the awful impersonations of my Scottish accent!). And I’m not fearful of getting hit by fish or having an embarrassing uniform forced upon me…not yet anyway.

Here at Famous Features, we’d love to hear about things that have happened to you in your workplace.  Have you got any horror stories you’d like to tell? Whether it be an affair with your boss or wars at the water-cooler – we want to hear about it! Tell us and get your story into print!

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