Busy January for FamousFeatures

07 Feb2011
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NEW YEAR UPDATE – Oliver McAninch

Wow – what a busy New Year it has been. I’ve hardly blinked and it’s February already.

So far we’ve moved to larger offices so that we’re no longer sat on each others laps. We’ve said goodbye to one of our original FF writers, Lorna Gray, who has taken a position at Pick Me Up magazine (we wish you all the best Lorna). We’ve got some new faces in the team.  Pre-Christmas, Joe Mellor took up the position of News Reporter and Isy Loynes (ex features editor at Full House and Take a Break Magazine) strengthened the features team. This year Christina Earle, a successful freelance journalist, has now become part of the FF fold too.  Everyone has settled in tremendously and we really are getting all of the best people under one roof.

What with all of these changes, we’ve just sold a record number of stories to the national magazines, newspapers and television companies, not to mention fitting in the launch of the new-look FamousFeatures website: www.FamousFeatures.co.uk

FamousFeatures Team - January 2011

FamousFeatures Team - January 2011

The team are, from left:

Joe Mellor, Jo Burrows, Christina Earle, Isy Loynes, Frankie Cary, Sally Windsor, Ollie McAninch.

Apart from our permanent team, we are working with many freelance writers who provide us with great stories from the comfort of their own home, and we are growing our large network of tipsters and spies! Just email us if you’d like to be involved, or you have anything that we’d be interested in.

I’d like to send out a big, big thanks to all of the people who have come to us with stories.  Without you our agency wouldn’t be one of the top News & Features agencies in the UK.  We hope you agree that we are able to give you the best service and get you the best deals for selling your stories. Don’t forget to tell your friends about us, and earn £50 every time we use one of their stories.

Anyway, here’s to a successful 2011.  We’re all on the lookout for any great stories, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you want to sell a story.  You can reach us on the website, or via our story hotline 0845 83 88 555.

If you need some inspiration, check out our latest stories page: www.famousfeatures.co.uk/index.php?page=story_requests

Happy New Year.

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