Two sex and relationship case studies needed: Generous payment offered.

08 Feb2016
2,203 0

We are seeking a number of people to talk openly about their sex lives for a newspaper feature.  We’ll pay you generously if you can help with either of these sex and relationships case study requests:

– A couple who have been together for a long time (min 10 years) who have revived their relationship and are now happier, more in love, having better sex than ever. They’d need to be id’d and give a bit of an explanation of how they managed it. It would literally be a couple of hundred words max so just a few minutes on the phone. Do you have anyone like this on your books, or could you potentially find us one?

– A woman who is having the best sex of her life later in life, post menopause. She’d be id’d and talk about previous insecurities about getting older, physical changes, menopause etc, but she’s overcome her anxieties and realised she’s freed up with kids out of the house, no risk of pregnancy etc… feels confident and liberated. Again, just a smallish case study so wouldn’t need much time. Do you think you can help?

If you can help, simply fill out the story valuation form on this page, which will go straight to our features team.  They’ll give you a call straight back if your story looks like one we’d be able to use.

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