These stories wanted. Earn Cash Today. 15/01/2010

15 Jan2010
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Would you like to feature in a magazine article and earn cash today? Get paid to appear in any of these magazine & newspaper articles (see requests below), or send us your own story ideas. Sell a story today.

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Person or Story Wanted: Women who can tell us how Facebook ruined their lives.

Where the article will appear:  National Newspaper Story.

Criteria: Must be under 35 with good stories about being stalked, bullied, privacy invaded, or marriage/relationship broke up due to Facebook

Person or Story Wanted: “Love against the odds – they said it would never work”

Where the article will appear: Glossy Women’s Magazine Story.

More info: We are looking for women (aged 21-29) who are in successful relationships that people said would never work.  Perhaps they have successfully held down a long distance relationship, fell pregnant very early on in the relationship and made the relationship work, fell in love with someone their family initially disliked or met ‘the one’ on the rebound from another relationship.

We would need to photograph both you and your partner at a photo shoot and can pay a fee, plus your travel expenses.

Person or Story Wanted: Someone who became addicted to antidepressants and who suffered extreme side effects.

Where the article will appear: Glossy Women’s Magazine article.

More info: We are looking for a woman who, after being on antidepressants, has suffered extreme side-effects – anything from death to massive strokes or suicide attempts, which can definitely be linked back to the antidepressants.

Criteria: Women aged between 18 and 35

Person or Story Wanted: Husband/sister/children of woman who died of a gynaelogical cancer.

Where the article will appear: Sunday Newspaper.

More info: We are looking for the families of a woman (aged no more than 45) who died of gynaelogical cancer. We want to speak to her husband/fiance/partner and her sister, and photograph them with her children. This is for a feature on the forgotten victims of cancer-the family.

Criteria: All case studies and the deceased to be no older than 45 approx.

Person or Story Wanted: I am looking for a woman, who decided to abort her child when she found out it would be disabled.

Where the article will appear: Women’s Weekly Magazine.

More info: We are looking for someone who took the decision to abort a baby knowing that it would be disabled and therefore would have a bad quality of life. It would good to find two women, one who stands by her decision and one who regrets it.

Criteria: The women would have to be happy to be identified and pictured. Also, they have to be exclusive to us.

Person or Story Wanted: A woman who has been attacked by another woman/women, eg mugged, targeted on night out.

Where the article will appear: Sunday Newspaper Story.

More info: We are putting together a report on the rise of female violence and looking for a woman aged 20-39 who has suffered violence at the hands of another woman or women.

This could be a random attack on a night out, walking past a group of girls who start being aggressive, or an attack in a bar or club, but something that was totally unexpected (as well as totally undeserved).

We would want to interview her about what happened, and photograph her.

Criteria: Case study must be female, aged 20-39, live in the UK.

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