Story Requests: 08/12/09

08 Dec2009
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Story / Case Study Wanted: Funny or heart-warming xmas stories with good pictures.

Media outlet: Women’s Magazine.

More Info: We’re looking for a last minute xmas story. Ideally we’d like something with great, festive pictures. In the past we’ve done xmas surgery, nudist xmas…etc…so something along those lines. It needs to be strong enough to fill a spread – no shorts please.

Special criteria: Preferably featuring women age 20-40, but if it is a really funny story etc we might be able to make exceptions on this.


Story / Case Study Wanted: A woman who made a victim impact statement that was used in court, where she herself was the victim.

Media outlet: Women’s magazine.

More info: Feature about people’s experience of victim impact statements.

Special criteria: Woman aged 21 to 45

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