Story Request 30/10/09

30 Oct2009
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Here are the latest story requests from the National Newspapers and Magazines.  If you fit any of the profiles, or you would like to sell a different story to the national press, submit your story idea here:


Magazine Story or Case Study Wanted: Women with Facebook/MySpace/Twitter horror stories of being approached by strangers online…

More info: This is for a news report following the tragic death of Ashleigh Hall, who was lured to her death by a man posing as a teenage boy on Facebook. We’re looking for women with similar tales – but a happier ending. The incident could have happened to them, or they could have discovered someone was grooming their child online.

Story / Case Study Criteria: Need to be over 18 and ideally under 45. Must be able to supply a pic and be available to chat quickly on the phone.

Magazine Story or Case Study Wanted: We are looking for a woman and her daughter who share a strong physical feature.

More info: For the feature ‘where I get my good looks from’ we are looking for a young woman and her mum who share a strong physical feature. This could be bright red hair, obvious freckles, a mass of curls, big eyes. What’s important is that the mother and daughter are attractive and the feature that they share is strikingly obvious.

Story / Case Study Criteria: One of the women (ie the daughter or mother) needs to be between 30-55.

Magazine Story or Case Study Wanted: A UK-based bride who got married sometime this year at the age of 21 or younger.

More info: We just need to do a short phone interview with her and the groom and will need to use her wedding pics in the piece.  Ideally, it needs to have a good story attached – e.g. her parents thought she was too young to marry, or she got married because she was pregnant etc.

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