Stories Wanted for Cash – 21st July 2010

21 Jul2010
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The Stories Listed Below are Urgently Needed.  We will pay you to appear in a magazine or newspaper story.

Just visit to tell us if you would like to get paid to be in any of these real life stories or features.  Send us your details by filling in our online form (located at ).

Also – please get in touch if you have any other stories that you would like us to consider.  We are looking for new story ideas every day. Your real life experiences and true stories could earn you cash; sell a story today.


Story or Person Wanted: Looking for an inspirational read about women.

Where the story or article will appear: Woman’s Magazine Article.

Info: We are looking for inspirational stories about women who’ve done something amazing. It could be anything as long as it’s about the woman herself – not kids, diet or looks. It needs to have a strong story behind it though to fill a spread.

Story or Person Wanted: MY HOLIDAY CHANGED MY LIFE
Where the story or article will appear: Women’s Magazine Story.
Info: We’re looking for women who’ve gone on holiday and it has in some extraordinary way changed their lives…not just that they moved to the country where they were on hols.
Criteria: The women need to be in their mid-30s to early 50s
Story or Person Wanted: Hen nights that have got out of control…
Where the story or article will appear: Glossy Magazine Feature.
Info: We’re looking for women prepared to talk about a particularly nightmarish hen party – expensive/extravagant trips that have gone horribly wrong, demanding brides-to-be, arguments about what to do, control-freak friends who’ve been put in charge of organising.
Criteria: Aged between 18 to 35.

Story or Person Wanted: Upbeat, quirky real-life story ideas with great pictures.
Where the story or article will appear: Weekend newspaper magazine story.
Info: Gentle and heartwarming ideas needed for spread in the weekend newspaper magazines.
Story or Person Wanted: A girl with a dad dating younger girls
Where the story or article will appear: monthly women’s magazine.
Info: We are looking for a girl aged 18-32 who has a dad who loves dating or is in a relationship with a younger girl.

Story or Person Wanted: Extraordinary body transformations: Rebuilt after massive injuries/huge weight loss/sex swop, ETC.

Where the story or article will appear: Woman’s Magazine Article.
Info: Any extraordinary body transformation stories wanted.
Story or Person Wanted: ‘I’m in love – but not with my husband’
Where the story or article will appear: Glossy Celebrity Magazine.
Info: Looking for a female case study (aged 25-50) who admits to being in love with someone other then their husband.
Story or Person Wanted: The family of a murdered loved one whose murderer has been released early from prison.
Where the story or article will appear: Magazine Story.
Info: We are looking to find the family or relative of a person who was murdered and their murderer has been released early from prison or is set to have an early release. We would want to speak with the family/relative about how this has affected them. We are tagging this on to the Peter Sutcliffe/Philip Lawrence news stories.

Criteria: The woman needs to be aged mid 30s to mid 50s.

Story or Person Wanted: A wacky, fun or uplifting real life story.

Where the story or article will appear: Daily Newspaper Story.

Info: We’ve got lots of gloomy news stories at the moment. To balance this out we are looking for a light real life stories to run in one of Saturday’s papers. Please pitch anything that might be suitable.

Criteria: None, but women aged 18 – 35 work well for us.

Story or Person Wanted: Female aged 18-35 who has had malaria.

Where the story or article will appear: Newspapers Article.

Info: We are looking for a fairly extreme case of malaria, someone who was struck down quite badly, hospitalised and maybe even close to death.

Criteria: Must be female, age approx 18-35 and available for quick turn around, phone chat and pics.

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That’s it.  So get in touch if you think you could help with one of these magazine or newspaper stories.  We will pay you for your participation, so visit today and fill out our online form.

If you would like to sell a story that isn’t on the above list, just let us know, we are looking for all kinds of stories.

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