The latest story requests from national press. Get paid to feature in these magazine and newspaper articles. Visit: to let us know if you fit the profile, or tell us about a different story.
Story / Person Wanted: An older woman – in her 40s – who is dating a guy in his late teens early 20s. Get paid to feature in this article.
Story / Person Wanted: We’re looking for women who believe in angels and have a strong story as to why they believe. Need to be pictured and identified. Women 18-40ish. Get paid to feature in this article.
Story / Person Wanted: A woman whose child/children have been snatched by her husband and taken abroad. Get paid to feature in this article.
Story / Person Wanted: Looking for a teen or early 20something who has tried the party drug ‘miaow miaow’ – mephedrone. It’s an article about mephedrone and why its use is on the rise amongst young people.
Story / Person Wanted: Need someone who started using cocaine when they were 15 or 16. We’d like to know when they got started, how, how much they spent on coke, how a 15/16-year-old can afford it, if the price has come down for young users, how much they spent on average a week on their habit? We’d also like to know if they know what they’ve really been taking, if they know that the quality of the gear has deteriorated? Can they also give us an idea of how widespread it is among school children or young teens. Figures suggest it’s on the increase.
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