Magazine Stories Wanted Today: 13/07/2010. Sell My Story.

13 Jul2010
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The Following Stories are Urgently Needed…. (see story requests below).  We will pay you to appear in a magazine or newspaper story.

Just visit to tell us if you would like to get paid to be in any of these real life stories or features.  Send us your details by filling in our online form (located at ).

Also – please get in touch if you have any other stories that you would like us to consider.  We are looking for new story ideas every day. Your real life experiences and true stories could earn you cash; sell a story today.


Story or Person Wanted: Breast cancer sufferer/ survivor whose cancer could be linked to lifestyle factors

Where the story or article will appear: National Newspaper Story.

Info: Feature on breast cancer rates.

Criteria: Needs to potentially fit into one of these categories:

– single without children (and 40s or older)

– a drinker (either had a period of binge-drinking or just a glass a night over a prolonged period)

– worked nights

Story or Person Wanted: A wacky, fun or uplifting real life story.

Where the story or article will appear: Daily Newspaper Story.

Info: We’ve got lots of gloomy news stories at the moment. To balance this out we are looking for a light real life stories to run in one of Saturday’s papers. Please pitch anything that might be suitable.

Criteria: None, but women aged 18 – 35 work well for us.

Story or Person Wanted: Female aged 18-35 who has had malaria.

Where the story or article will appear: Newspapers Article.

Info: We are looking for a fairly extreme case of malaria, someone who was struck down quite badly, hospitalised and maybe even close to death.

Criteria: Must be female, age approx 18-35 and available for quick turn around, phone chat and pics.

Story or Person Wanted: Looking for an inspirational read about women.

Where the story or article will appear: Woman’s Magazine Article.

Info: We are looking for inspirational stories about women who’ve done something amazing. It could be anything as long as it’s about the woman herself – not kids, diet or looks. It needs to have a strong story behind it though to fill a spread.

Criteria: The woman needs to be aged mid 30s to mid 50s.

Story or Person Wanted: A woman who will admit the last taboo, and talk about feeling envious of her friends.

Where the story or article will appear: Magazine Story.

Info: Especially since the recession has hit and we’re all looking at others around us wondering if they’ve got it better and feeling envious of their new job/car/pair of Louboutin shoes. We want a woman to talk about how she feels this even if she doesn’t admit it to her friends and how she gets over it.

Criteria: A woman aged between 25-45, who is willing to be identified.

Story or Person Wanted: The mum (or perhaps wife) of a spree killer along the lines of Raoul Moat, who is on the run.

Where the story or article will appear: Magazine Feature.

Info: We’re looking for a chat with the mother of a killer who has gone on a killing spree or attempted to get revenge after being dumped/getting out of prison.

Basically we want to do something that we can tie in with the recent manhunt for Raoul Moat, who was on the run from police after gunning down his ex-girlfriend, killing her lover and then shooting a police officer after being released from prison. If you know anyone who has been through something similar, please get in touch urgently as we need to turn this around quickly today.

Story or Person Wanted: Men who had a child through a surrogate or want children despite being single

Where the story or article will appear: Sunday Magazine Supplement.

Info: We are looking for single men who have had a child through a surrogate mother or egg donor, or would do so – in light of the story on Ronaldo.

Also looking for single men who are desperate to have children, or men in relationships where they want children more urgently than their wife or girlfriend.

Story or Person Wanted: Steroid abuser….or victim thereof.

Where the story or article will appear: Daily Newspaper Story.

Info: Looking for someone who has first-hand experience of the effects of steroids and so-called ‘roid-rage’. For example, someone (a man) who has been taking them to build muscle and whose character/behaviour has changed as a result. They have become aggressive, violent as a result. Now no longer taking them (we need them to reflect on this and tell their story). Alternatively, a woman who has suffered as a result of their partner taking steroids – physically abused etc. Need them to tell their story.
Story or Person Wanted: We are looking for a family who has been through something extraordinary.
Where the story or article will appear: Woman’s Magazine Story.
Info: We have  a family focus in our one of our Aug/Sept issues and are running an ‘Extraordinary Families’ feature. We have two case studies already and are looking for a third family who would be willing to have a quick phone/email interview and supply us with some pictures.

Story or Person Wanted:  Women who have experienced identity fraud

Where the story or article will appear:  Fabulous

Info: We\’re putting together a report on id fraud and we\’re looking for women who have experience extreme cases t talk about their experiences.

Criteria: 18-35, happy to be identified and exclusive.

Story or Person Wanted: A fat family.

Where the story or article will appear:  Newspaper Story.

Info: Apparently British kids spend more than double the amount of cash on junk food than their American counterparts. Over one in three children here aged five to 13 are already overweight or obese. We are looking for an overweight family – preferably mum, dad and two or three kids – who are willing to be interviewed and photographed for an article on the increasing British obesity problem. The feature would cover the amount of food they eat, hostility they may have faced and whether they reckon weight is no-one else’s business. We can pay for their participation.

Special criteria? : Ideally a family consisting of mum, dad and two or three kids. However, if you have a willing single parent family that could work so pitch away and I\’ll let you know.

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That’s it.  So get in touch if you think you could help with one of these magazine or newspaper stories.  We will pay you for your participation, so visit today and fill out our online form.

If you would like to sell a story that isn’t on the above list, just let us know, we are looking for all kinds of stories.

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