Latest Story and Case Study Requests 07/10/2009

08 Oct2009
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If you want to make money from selling a story to a magazine or newspaper, or appearing in the national press as a case study, simply read the latest story requests below and visit if you fit any of the profiles. 

Even if you don’t fit the profile, we can pay you if you refer someone who does (don’t forget, we are always on the lookout for all kinds of stories, so if you’re not sure just send your story through and we’ll let you know how much it is worth).  


Wanted: Benefits mum – “I’m blowing my benefits on kids at Xmas”

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: We are looking for a Mum who is on benefits and spending a fortune to spoil kids rotten.


 Wanted: An internet addict whose continued use of the web is negatively impacting on their life.

Where the Story will Appear: National Newspaper.

More info: The first residential rehab unit for internet addicts has just opened in the States. We are doing a piece about internet addiction in the UK and need relevant case studies who can talk about their experience and be photographed. They may also be recovered internet addicts who have received treatment.


Wanted: Any stories connected to Bonfire Night.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine

More info: We’re looking for various short features, all related to Bonfire Night. We are looking for all different angles – relationships, injuries, pet stories. Anything that can be related back to Bonfire Night.

Case Study Criteria: The case study telling the story must be female and aged between 18 and 35.


 Wanted: A young women who developed oral cancer and believes it was down to her drinking habits.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: It\’s for a report on the different ways alcohol affects women from emotionally to their health.

 Case Study Criteria: Woman has to be in 20s/30s. Doesn’t need to be a heavy drinker, but firmly believes it was her drinking that led her to getting oral cancer. Can\’t have appeared anywhere else. Must be happy to be pictured, identified, talk about their drinking and how they felt it gave them cancer, as well as their overall experience of having oral cancer and how it has affected them.


 Wanted: A victim of a female criminal.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine

More info: I\’m looking for someone who has been the victim of a shocking crime committed by a woman.

Case Study Criteria: We’d need the criminal to have been convicted, and we’d need a picture of the criminal. The victim would have to be named and pictured.


Wanted: Someone who was a tear away teen and received one of the first ASBOs in 1999/2000/2001.

 Where the Story will Appear: National Newspaper.

More info: This is for an article looking at the mixed results of ASBOs. We want to know where some of the first recipients are now. Have they reformed their ways – or are they still up to their old tricks? Case studies who received an ASBO for a strange reason would also work.

Case Study Criteria: Ideally a teenager when the ASBO was given – unless they received the ASBO for a wacky reason.


Wanted: We are looking for a women in 20s/30s whose appearance has drastically changed through alcohol abuse.

Where the Story will Appear: National Newspaper.

More info: It\’s for a piece about the external damage alcohol can do – we will be using a ‘before’ pic of them before they starting seriously hitting the bottle and then take an ‘after’ to show the difference. We will run them alongside their story of how they got involved with alcohol, how much they drink and how it has changed them and affected their life.

 Case Study Criteria: Our case study needs to be female, aged 20s/30s willing

to be photographed and identified and can provide a good picture of what they used to look like. Obviously, the damage alcohol has done to their appearance has to be visible.

Can be a reformed drinker, but obviously we can\’t use anyone who has

already told their story in the media.


Wanted: A female case study who looks like a famous celebrity.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: I am looking for a female case study who looks like a famous, young celebrity – she can either work as a lookalike or just look really like the celebrity. She does need to have a little bit of a back story.

Case Study Criteria: The case study has to be female and aged between 18 and 35.


Wanted: SERIOUSLY underage smokers – we\’re talking 9/10/11 year olds!

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: Primary schools are reporting problems with pupils smoking, and we’d like to run a news report on the issue. We need case studies to back it up. Maybe a parent who rewards their child with fags, maybe a mother has no idea how to deal with her child\’s addiction? Whatever the story, we want to speak to them!!


Wanted: A well-off woman who has been taken to the cleaners in her divorce case.

Where the Story will Appear: National Newspaper

More info: More women are having to pay out in the divorce courts than ever before. We’re looking for a British woman whose divorce cost her tens of thousands and she is still paying her ex. We will pay around £1,000 for the right story.

Case Study Criteria: Woman MUST be willing to be photographed.


Wanted: A woman whose child has been severely bulled through Facebook.

Where the Story will Appear: National Newspaper – Magazine.

More info: Femail magazine is looking for a story of a woman whose child has been severely bullied through Facebook. Both mother and child must be identified.

Case Study Criteria: Must be willing to be identified.


 Wanted: Anorexics – must be around 5ft4 and at some point weighed about 6and1/2 stone.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: A real life feature discussing how it felt to be 6and 1/2 stone (the same weight as posh)

Case Study Criteria: must be female – any age (30s preferred)


 Wanted: Christmas Health Story/Case Study.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: Case study\’s that relate to Christmas or anything to do with Christmas such as – ‘allergic to Christmas dinner’, ‘I have Christmas disease.’

Stories that just happen around the Christmas period, they have to be directly related to Christmas, Turkey’s, Decoration, Snow, Cold etc.

Do you know anyone that has a Christmas/New year related medical condition? Please get in contact.


Wanted: A miracle baby short feature.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: Looking for a case study about a miracle baby – either the woman was told she couldn’t conceive, or the baby was extremely premature…

Case Study Criteria: It must be told from a woman between 18 and 40. Not published before.


Wanted: A woman who lost her virginity because she was fed up with being a virgin

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: I am looking for an “accidental virgin”, a woman who found herself still a virgin in her 20s or 30s, who decided to lose her virginity to a friend or on a one-night stand.

Case Study Criteria: Does not need to be pictured – I\’m just looking for an interesting story.


Wanted: A woman who suffered from post nuptial depression so badly it nearly wrecked her marriage.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: Relationship piece speaking to women who have suffered severe blues and come down after their wedding – to the point that she either left or seriously considered leaving her husband.

Case Study Criteria: Woman needs to be aged 20-40, happy to be identified and named. May need to speak to husband too. Must be able to provide pics of wedding and can’t have told story previously. Ideally not have been married before and have no children.


Wanted: Female in 20’s who has been left infertile after contracting an STI eg Chlamydia.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: As part of a special report on the issue of fertility, we are looking for a young woman in her 20\’s who is infertile as a result of contracting an STI such as Chlamydia and who is willing to talk about her experience. We can pay her a generous fee.

Case Study Criteria: Female. 20\’s.


Wanted: Woman who have committed crimes due to the credit crunch.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: I am working on a feature about women who have been driven to committing crimes due to the credit crunch. They may have stolen or committed some kind of fraud in order to try and dig themselves out of their money worries.

Case Study Criteria: Female aged between 18-35.


Wanted: A woman (18-40) who has a husband / boyfriend who has had breast cancer.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: We are doing an awareness article on male breast cancer and would like to speak to someone who knows what it is like to watch a male partner go through this.

Case Study Criteria: The case study must be female and aged between 18-40. 


Wanted: Men who are love rats.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: I want to speak to men who have done the dirty on their partners

– the badder the better.

Case Study Criteria: They have to admit to being a love rat, be willing to be pictured, and be in their 20s.


Wanted: A couple who have stayed together despite one of them suffering a horrific accident/illness.

Where the Story will Appear: Glossy Magazine.

More info: We\’re doing an upbeat story about relationships that have defied the critics.  We need a case study of a couple who had only been together for a short while (a few weeks or months – definitely under a year) when one of them had a horrific illness or accident that meant they were left severely disabled, or needed years of care/rehabilitation.

Case Study Criteria: The woman in the couple needs to be aged 19-35, and they must both be willing to be photographed.

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