Appear in a Magazine or Newspaper and Earn Cash Today

20 Jan2010
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We are looking for the following stories right now.  If you, or anyone you know, fits the profile – simply let us know by filling out our online form at:

You can also let us know about any other real life stories that you would like to publish in a magazine or newspaper. You can sell a story today.



Story or Person Wanted: Mums with high blood pressure or diabetes and their daughters aged 18-35.

Where the story will appear: Woman’s magazine feature.

More info: Reveal magazine are putting together a health feature based on mothers and daughters.

We’re looking for mums who has had high blood pressure or diabetes who both have a daughter aged 18-35; both mums and daughters need to be able to attend a photo shoot and interview in London one week day in early Feb.  Expenses and payment available.

Case study criteria: Mums can be any age but daughters must be 18-35.


Story or Person Wanted: A woman who divorced her hubby and then married him again.

Where the story will appear: Woman’s magazine story.

More info: For a Valentine’s Day feature on love second time around.

Case study criteria: Up to age 45 or a young-looking 50.  Needs to be available for interview this week.


Story or Person Wanted: Looking for a case study who has had a divorce party to give a quick five minute interview.

Where the story will appear: Newspaper article.

More info: We are running a piece on the changing face of divorce, we are looking for a female case study aged 18-45 who has had a divorce party and is happy to talk to us for five minutes about it and provide a pic of themselves.


Story or Person Wanted: I am looking for a woman whose house was burgled.

Where the story will appear: Glossy magazine story.

More info: I am looking for a women who’s house was burgled and the robbers took off with whatever they could find while she hid/didn’t confront them for fear of being attacked etc.

Generous fee to case study paid – must be aged 22-40.


Story or Person Wanted: Any real life story, involving a young woman aged 19-35, who is available for pics/interview by Thur.

Where the story will appear: Glossy women’s magazine.

More info:  We’ve got a last-minute hole in our schedule that needs filling by Thursday lunchtime (eek!). So, we are looking for any first person real life stories involving young women aged 19-35, where either good pics already exist; or the woman concerned is available to be shot in the next 24 hours. Any suggestions welcome!


Story or Person Wanted: Female chef that lost weight despite working with food.

Where the story will appear: Glossy women’s magazine story.

More info: We are looking for a female chef who lost a lot of weight despite working with food.  They will need to be able to attend a photo shoot in February.


Story or Person Wanted: Case studies of girls who’ve had underage sex.

Where the story will appear: Woman’s magazine feature.

More info: We are working on a feature about under age sex and looking for case studies as young as possible. They need to have had sex young and be willing to talk about their experiences – do they regret it / has it ruined their body / did they get pregnant etc?

Case study criteria: They can be aged up to 35.


Story or Person Wanted: Gay man turned straight.

Where the story will appear: Daily Newspaper Story.

More info:  There was a piece in the Times earlier this week in which Patrick Muirhead wrote about how he’s going straight after years of being gay as he wants a wife and family. On the back of this story we are now looking for a man who also went straight after years of a homosexual lifestyle and now has a wife (and ideally a child as well).  Phone interview required and ideally a photograph too although we are flexible on this given the sensitive nature of the feature. Payment upon publication. 


Story or Person Wanted: Woman or man who wants to propose to their other half in the Newspaper on Valentines day.

Where the story will appear: Sunday Newspaper (News of the World).

More info: We are looking for men and women who want to propose to their other half in the magazine’s Valentines issue.  Make it a super-special proposal, and we may even be able to throw in a free diamond ring from a top jewellers.  This must be a genuine proposal!

Case study criteria: Men/Women Aged 19-40


Story or Person Wanted: Female stalking victims.

Where the story will appear: Sunday Newspaper Story.

More info: We are URGENTLY looking for female victims of stalking. We’re particularly interested in speaking with a victim of cyber stalking, ie through facebook/My Space etc…but are open to other options.  This is for an issue going to press imminently so please contact us asap if you know anyone suitable.

Case study criteria: Female 18-40.


Story or Person Wanted: Girls aged 18-25 who have taken mephedrone to talk about their experience.

Where the story will appear: Sunday Newspaper magazine supplement.

More info: We are putting together a news report on the rise of new ‘legal high’ drug mephedrone (known as bubble and meow meow) and am hoping to speak to a couple of female case studies who have tried it to talk about what it was like.  We will need them to be identified (named and pictured) and there would be payment involved.

Case study criteria: They need to be aged between 18-25, be female and willing to be identified

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