Latest Story Requests: 16/11/2009

16 Nov2009
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Latest Story Requests.

Visit to submit your interest in appearing in a magazine or newspaper story.




Story / Case Study Wanted: Oldest sibling in a very large family.

Media Outlet: UK Glossy Magazine.

More Info: We are looking to speak to the oldest siblings of big families (6 plus children) about their experiences of growing up in a large family. Those with particularly strong feelings (i.e. they loved, or hated being the oldest) would be ideal. If you think you can help, please submit a brief description of the family, along with a photo and phone number at  All case studies that are printed in the magazine will be paid generously!

Story / Case Study Criteria: Ideally between the age of 15-20.


Story / Case Study Wanted: Popular women’s weekly looking for three generations of young mums in one family.

Media Outlet: UK Women’s Magazine.

More Info: We are looking to interview a family containing three generations of young mums. We would like to speak to the grandma, mother and daughter about their experiences of having children young (ideally in their teenage years) and also of being brought up by a young mother. All case studies we use will be paid generously. If you think you might be able to help then please fill out the online form with a brief description of your family and a pic if possible!


Story / Case Study Wanted: Woman who called off her own wedding.

Media Outlet: Sunday Newspaper Supplement.

More info: We are URGENTLY looking for a woman who called off her own wedding. Ideally it was very close to the date of the wedding, all the arrangements were in place eg. dress bought, venue booked, invites sent out, and she decided, for whatever reason, she couldn’t go through with it. We can pay a substantial fee for a suitable case study and will not identify her ex.

Story / Case Study Criteria: 19-38. Female.


Story / Case Study Wanted: We are looking for any stories related to pantomimes for our Christmas issue.

Media Outlet: Glossy Women’s Magazine.

More Info: We are looking for any pantomime-themed short features for our Christmas issue. They can’t be romantic or to do with relationships so anything like a panto disaster or anything funny or quirky to do with pantos would be great. Something like a woman who was told to ‘break a leg’ before she went on stage and then she did, would be perfect!

Story / Case Study Criteria: It has to be told from a woman aged between 18 and 35.

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