Latest Story Requests 19/10/09

19 Oct2009
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See the latest Magazine and Newspaper story requests below…   Visit to submit your profile or story.


Case Study / Story Request: a couple whose relationship fell apart after baby was born.

More info: A youngish couple – up to mid-30s – who had a baby and the whole stress of birth and baby tore their marriage apart.


Story/Case Study Request: A woman whose partner killed himself after she left him

Story / Case Study info: Needs to have happened quite soon after and be directly linked to her leaving him.

Special criteria? : Aged up to mid-30s.


Story/Case Study Request: A man who attended the birth of his child and loved it, and a man who didn\’t enjoy it

Media Outlet: Daily Tabloid Newspaper.

Story/Case Study Info: We are working on a piece for tomorrow’s paper about whether men should be present at the birth of their child.

We need to find a man who was present and loved the experience, and a man who was present and didn’t enjoy the experience.

We’d need to speak to them/get words from them today and we’ll need a picture of them with the baby – either one they can provide or we can take one.

We’ll also be able to pay them for their time. Please do let me know as soon as possible if you have anyone who might be able to help.

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