Your Sex Beast Daddy

Your Sex Beast Daddy
01 Feb2011
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  •  Chatting to Colin on-line, Leanne quickly fell for him. The couple met two weeks later and were soon an item. When Leanne fell pregnant just four weeks into their relationship she was shocked. But the couple decided to make a go of things.

“He was really excited about being a dad and was already really good with my seven-year-old daughter Ellie,” says Leanne.


  • When Colin's ex revealed he'd been convicted in 2007 of lewd and libidinous practices towards a 12-year-old girl and given three years probation and placed on the sex offenders' register, three-months pregnant Leanne called time on the relationship.


  • Leanne was soon contacted by Colin's solicitor – Colin wanted access to their daughter once she was born.


  • Since Rachel's birth, Leanne has had countless visits from Social Services and court hearings. Last month, a judge granted Colin supervised visits with their daughter once a month at a contact centre.


“I'm devastated and terrified about letting my daughter meet her father,” says Leanne.


“I don't understand why the courts are allowing him contact, even if it is supervised – he's a convicted sex offender and he kept that secret from me. He even spent time with Courtney but thankfully we don't think he tried anything with her.


“I don't know what I can do to stop this. I've gone out of my way to stop Colin seeing Rachel – he's never seen a photo of her and I run the other way when I see him in the street. Now the courts are going to force me to hand her over to him once a month.


“They're struggling to find a contact centre that will allow him in because of his past so I just hope I can do something to stop this madness in time.”

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