We are Barbie girls in the Barbie world. Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

We are Barbie girls in the Barbie world. Life in plastic
07 Oct2011
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Read the full article in The Sun –



> VANESSA lives in a Barbie 'dream house', owns over 40 dolls and even dresses her Chihuahuas in Barbie outfits

> ZOE has been dating her real life 'Ken' for over a decade since she was 11, and the couple are nicknamed Barbie and Ken by friends

> LAURA is a Barbie lookalike and is constantly compared to the plastic icon, even by strangers

Vanessa Threadgold, 23, idolises Barbie dolls, and owns an impressive collection of Barbie merchandise, including 40 dolls, a Barbie duvet, Barbie cutlery and a Barbie throne. The whole house is painted bright Barbie pink, and she keeps a picture of the Barbie she resembles most – a sexy brunette – by her bedside. The dance teacher from Leeds is still contemplating a breast augmentation to help her look even more like her favourite doll.

Single Vanessa said: “I'm not happy with my nose, and I want it to look smaller and neater, like my brunette Barbie. I am also considering a boob job, and regularly go to the gym to help me get that perfect Barbie figure. I absolutely love all things Barbie. I even dress my Chihuahua dogs in Barbie outfits!”


Zoe Zafferon, 21, boasts of a lavish Barbie lifestyle. A part time model, she spends all her free time shopping for pink, sparkly, life sized Barbie outfits.

She even has the Ken to match! She met boyfriend Mark, 27, 10 years ago, when she was just 11 years old. He asked her if she believed in love at first sight, and they've been together ever since. He was drawn to her Barbie charms, including her long blonde hair, blue eyes and button nose. She fell in love with his dark hair, chiselled jaw and muscular figure.

The couple have been nicknamed ‘Barbie and Ken' by friends, due to his tanned skin and her flawless appearance. He even calls her his Barbie, and does his best to treat her like a Barbie princess. He buys her whatever expensive presents she wants, always pays for meals out and makes sure her jewellery collection is constantly updated, so she has the best Barbie bling. The dancer from Hertfordshire says her long romance with Mark is straight out of a Barbie fantasy – he treats her like a princess and they now live in their very own Barbie palace, complete with a Barbie phone and sparkly accessories.

Zoe, 21, said: “I met Mark when I was 11. I was walking home one afternoon and he approached me, asking if I believed in love at first sight, because he had completely fallen for me. It was very sweet. He was my first boyfriend – my first everything. We really do have a Barbie and Ken romance.”


Laura Vinicombe, 21, believes that looking like Barbie has its advantages. The Ann Summers sales advisor from Middlesex admits that she gets a lot of male attention because of her fake boobs, long blonde hair and sun kissed skin. Laura finds it incredibly flattering to be compared to the plastic doll, because she loved playing with Barbie as a child because she looked so 'perfect'. She even has her own Barbie boudoir, which is bright pink and full of sparkly, pretty things including a Barbie styling head, Barbie trinket boxes and a Barbie picture frame.

She spends hours rifling through Barbie merchandise in the famous toyshop Hamleys, in London, and often gets asked by tourists if they can take her picture because she looks so much like a life sized Barbie doll.

Laura said: “Sometimes, when I am in Hamleys, in the Barbie section, tourists want to take pictures of me. Sometimes they don't even ask – they just take them. A few times, people have sung ‘Barbie girl' as I walk past. I think it's funny.

“Some people can be really negative though. I have received hate mail from people telling me that I look fake. I just try to rise above it. I like the fact that I look like Barbie. She looks perfect, so if people compare me to her, that can only be a good thing.”


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