Together we are the perfect woman!

Together we are the perfect woman!
17 Jan2011
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Eva Believer, 30, is a professional pianist from Lithuania.

“With a Masters degree in musical and operatic studies, I've been obsessed with learning since I was a little girl. In my experience, men love women with a good education. Especially when blondes like me who are busty as well as brainy can talk about classical music at a party, not just who sang what on Britain's Got Talent!”


Robyn Tiller, 18, is an assistant retail manager from Waterlooville, Hants.

“Family meals have always played a huge part in my life. Not only does my mum cook a delicious home-made dinner every night, but we go out for food as a family once a week, and me and my friends usually eat out on a Wednesday. Despite gobbling down chips and pizza, I manage to keep my killer curves.”


Hayley Thorpe, 27, is a customer service assistant for O2 from Elton, Derbyshire.

“I support Spurs and always have done, and although it sounds a bit odd I judge people on what team they back. If a guy started speaking to me and then told me he supported Arsenal, that would be it – I couldn't carry on the conversation. I think men like a girl who can talk about football. After all, it's most guys' favourite subject.”


Yasin Makda, 46, is a cab driver from Mitcham, Surrey.

“I didn't always plan to be a taxi drive, but since completing The Knowledge I've been doing it for 17 years!

Women like having a female cabbie to relate to. Others have said it's nice to see a woman in what some think is a man's joob.

Guys like to have a joke about women drivers, but we all, know which gender is best in the car.”


Leanne Westbury, 24, is a cosmetic consultant from Kirkby Lonsdale, in the Lake District.

“I always cook and clean at home, and I'm never happier than when whipping up a sumptuous pudding for my boyfriend, Chris Glover, 27, and our two cats Albert and Charlie. I iron his shirts for him, because I really enjoy it! I'm an old-fashioned girl in a modern world, and I'm very happy that way.”


Beckie Lofts, 23, is a young offenders help worker from Hastings, East Sussex.

“I'm 5ft 8in with 34in legs so I've always looked really slim. I currently weigh around 8st, which is the heaviest I have ever been in my life.

Sometimes if I am looking particularly skinny, friends feed me cakes, which isn't too much torment – they think I 'need' it. I sometimes think they are right, but I was just built this way!”


Isy Loynes, 24, is a publishing assistant from Colchester, in Essex.

“I've always been low-maintenance on the hair and make-up front for no other reason than I know that loads of slap on my face doesn't suit me. I've never been on a sunbed, never worn fake eyelashes and think guys like to see what's behind that. Tinted moisturiser is a lot of make-up for me, and even that's rare.”


Jenny Johansson, 27, is an online chat moderator from Stockholm, Sweden.

“I'm a slim size 10, but I've always had an hour-glass figure. My bottom gets a lot of attention from men who think I've got curves like J Lo, which can't be a bad thing. I love going out to drum and bass clubs and usually wear leggings when I am out for the night dancing – my most prominent feature shows up a treat in those.”


Frankie Cary, 19, is a student from Portsmouth.

“I've always been small, but when I stopped growing at the age of 12 I was just like, 'Is this it?' At 14 I decided to spike up my hair to add an extra three inches to my 4ft 10in frame. Because I'm so short I shop in the children's section of most clothes shops – it's cheaper so I don't mind at all! The only problem is getting asked for ID everywhere I go.”


Keely Hill, 24, is an interior landscaping consultant from Brighton, East Sussex.

“I'm told regularly that my boobs are 'ridiculously pert', with some blokes not believing that they are for real and trying to look for telltale scars. I'm a proud 34D, and I'm not ashamed to say that they've helped me finding jobs and getting into bars and clubs. It's amazing what you can achieve with a low-cut top and some cleavage!”


Samantha Rea, 32, is a cheerleading coach from Central London.

“I'm working towards my personal trainer award during the day, and then I teach cheerleading at my company, Cheerfit, in the evenings. My idea of relaxing is a run or a bit of yoga, followed by a swim. It's like I have so much energy inside I can't sit still! My boyfriend is really muscular so we always push each other to the limit – it's great.”


Jordanna Wittenbaker, 27, is a loss adjuster from Croydon, London.

“I won't deny it, I'm a flirt and my hair helps. In a male-dominated environment I use my luscious locks to my advantage. My exes all loved it and I get compliments off other women too. It takes an hour to blow-dry and straighten, but it's worth it. My sisters also have long hair so we turn heads when we're out together!”

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