Time bomb in my tummy!

Time bomb in my tummy!
21 Jan2011
2,523 0
  • Laura blamed the festive period for her bloated belly. Christmas was approaching fast and she'd already overdone it, so she decided to go on a diet after the holidays
  • But soon, Laura started feeling uncomfortable. The swelling just wasn't going down! This couldn't be because of one-too-many chocolates, could it? It was solid!
  • The pain began to get unbearable and Laura started to panic. Am I pregnant without knowing it?
  • Laura and husband Matt went to the hospital where she was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, that had been in her stomach for TWO YEARS, and which could burst and kill her at any point.
  • After a long operation the surgeon showed the couple what was removed from Laura's stomach. It weighed five pounds, so she wouldn't need a diet after all!
  • But, during the surgery the doctors had to remove an ovary and a Fallopian tube… so it would be harder for Laura to get pregnant.
  • Miraculously, baby Isobel was born two years ago and mother and baby were both healthy and happy.

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