24 Jul2014
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Why I'll stop at nothing to turn my 8-year-old into the next Cheryl Cole…The UK's pushiest mum who wants fame for her daughter at any price

While most eight-year-olds spend evenings playing, Chelsea Teeboon is working on dance routines, gymnastics and singing, every night of the week.

A mum-of-two to Chelsea, eight, and Tia Louise, eight months, 30-year-old Natasha, who is married to Paul, 31 – a forklift truck driver, from Corby, Northamptonshire is doing all she can to prepare her talented daughter for fame.

She says “There are so many other girls who want to be famous so I have to push Chelsea hard and make sure she doesn't miss out on a big break.

“It is important to push children – if mums are lazy, children sit around and do nothing.”

Chelsea's weekly celebrity training schedule consists of:

· Ballroom dancing on Monday from 5pm until 5.30pm, followed by disco and rock 'n' roll dancing from 6pm until 7pm.

· Tuesday it's private dance lessons from 4pm until 5pm.

· Wednesday Chelsea has gymnastics from 3.30pm until 4.45pm, followed by street dance from 6pm until 7pm.

· Thursday is more gymnastics at an exclusive school from 5pm until 7.30pm and on Friday she has yet more private dance lessons from 4pm to 5pm.

The weekends offer no rest for the child, who spends her Saturdays at dance competitions… then she visits a singing coach on Sundays.

Natasha and Chelsea are both huge fans of Cheryl Cole

She says: “Chelsea and I love Cheryl Cole and I'd love her to become as famous as her.

“Chelsea works on every aspect of dance and singing as well as her looks so she has no weaknesses.

“I bribe her with a McDonald's to persuade to attend everything she possibly can.

As well as ensuring her daughter trains hard, Natasha believes looking good is just as important as performing well.

She says: “Chelsea rarely steps out of the house without make-up.

“Before school I do her make-up, which is a routine of tinted moisturiser, cover-up, eye shimmer, eyeliner, lip gloss and nail varnish.

Despite letters of complaint from Chelsea's school about the make-up she wears, Natasha says her daughter must look her best in case a talent scout passes her on the school run.

She says: “I've had three letters so far but I still send her in with make-up.

“Looking good is important for her confidence and helps her to be popular. “

Natasha also ensures Chelsea watches what she eats.

She says: “I don't allow Chelsea to eat any carbs after 7pm, few takeaways or fried food, everything is grilled and she's only allowed to snack at the weekends.

“As a family we all try and keep a healthy diet and fitness schedule. My husband and I practice what we preach.”

Being Chelsea's mum isn't cheap, and Chelsea's training takes a huge chunk out of household savings.

With travel, classes, competitions, outfits and make-up, Natasha spends £500 a month on her daughter's busy lifestyle.

Natasha admits her daughter's schoolwork often has to take a back seat in the hectic schedule.

She says: “But she is a year ahead in reading, writing and arithmetic. We make sure there is time on Sunday for her to catch-up with her work.”

Natasha admits she would consider extreme methods to give her girl time in the limelight.

She says: “If Chelsea wanted cosmetic surgery I'd back her.

“I think she's beautiful but if it would help her get ahead I don't have a problem.

“I'm flat-chested and I worry that her confidence could be knocked if she turns out to be too.

“I know I'm a pushy mum but I have to be if my daughter stands any chance in the industry and I know she'll thank me for pushing her when she's older.

“I'm so proud of her and nothing will stand in my way of making sure she is a success.”


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