Jailed for not letting my kids go to school

19 May2015
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Mum of six says being put in jail for being a bad mum, was the best thing that ever happened to her, and should happen to other parents…

Claudia, 42 from Devon has six children aged 24, 21, 17, 16, 9 and 6, and with all of her children she has had a very relaxed approached to education.

If the sun was shining she would take her children to the beach to “educate them” rather than make them go to school.

Often her children would want to go to school, but she would persuade them not to because she would be lonely during the day.

If her kids were at a Skate Park she felt they were learning a skill, and that was better than school.

The children’s school and education authority warned her numerous times to send her kids to school and she ignored their demands. Claudia believed her children should be allowed a “Flexible” approach to their education.

Eventually in February 2013 she was jailed for five months, for not allowing her children to go to school. When in jail she realised how her approach to her children’s education had harmed them, and decided to change her ways when she was released from prison.

Now the kids get 100% attendance awards and she ensures they are up on time and dressed for school.

She says,

“I do feel bad as their formal education has been harmed, but I thought I was doing the right thing.”

“I thought the academic way wasn’t the only way.”

“We had animals (goats) at home and that was a good education for them rather than school.”

“I had a different view on what children need to grow up.”

“I just thought there should be some agreement with the school that they shouldn’t have to be in every day.”

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