I live in the Kardashian world more than Kim does herself

19 May2015
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Emma, 30 is so obsessed to with Kardashian it has made her addicted to the star’s mobile game app…

Emma has been obsessed with Kim Kardashian for years and copies her clothes, mannerisms and even lives her life, in cyber space.

She had never played any computer games before, but she downloaded her game “Kim Kardashian Hollywood,” as she is a super fan and needed to have everything to do about her.

From the minute she downloaded the game she simply couldn’t get enough, playing it at least ten hours a day, often over the ENTIRE weekend.

She will often play it through the night and not get any sleep. Emma works for her boyfriend’s estate agency, but rarely does any work as she is always on the game, but she can’t get sacked as her fella runs the company.

When she takes a call, makes a coffee or even in meetings she will be playing the game. She feels as if she is living Kim’s life, and prefers it to her own life!

Her partner gets very angry and it has put a strain on their relationship, but she won’t stop for him or anyone else.

She says, “I have been addicted to the game since last June. I live more of Kim’s life than she does”.

“It is an addiction, but unlike other addictions I don’t want it to stop”.

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