Stories Wanted: 9/11/2009

09 Nov2009
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The latest story requests from National Magazines and Newspapers.  If you would like to appear in the press, send us your details at:

Story / Case Study Wanted: NEW YEAR themed stories.

Newspaper or Magazine Outlet: To appear in a National Glossy Women’s Magazine.

More Info: We are looking for any funny, dramatic, medical, or love stories with a NEW YEAR theme.

Case Study Criteria: Women aged 17-70

Story / Case Study Wanted: Polydrug User.

Newspaper or Magazine Outlet: National Sunday Newspaper.

Story / Case Study Info: We are looking for a young woman who risked her health/life taking lots of different types of drugs. Eg she would take cocaine on a night out then need to smoke a joint or take a sleeping pill to come down off her high and get to sleep. Then she would need to take speed or more coke the next morning to get going again, We want to hear what a rollercoaster it was for her, is she regretful/realise how lucky she is not to have seriously harmed herself, or does she see it as part of growing up?

Case Study Criteria: Age 18-35.


Story Wanted: Young female who mixed coke with alcohol, had cardiac reaction OR engaged in antisocial behaviour.

Media Outlet: National Sunday Newspaper.

More Info: We are looking for a young woman who mixed cocaine with alcohol and either ended up suffering from a cardiac related side effect OR engaged in anti-social behaviour eg she got into a fight/attacked another person. We can pay a generous fee and she must be willing to be identified.

Story Criteria: Female, aged 18-35.

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