Easy Cash in the New Year: Story Requests 5/1/2010

05 Jan2010
2,177 0

Earn easy cash in the New Year.  We are looking for the following people to appear in newspaper and magazine articles. Simply read the requests below and then visit: www.FamousFeatures.co.uk to send us your details or sell another story to the press.



Person or Story Wanted: Woman age 18-35 (approx) who dumped long term partner after losing weight & regaining confidence.

Media outlet: National Newspaper Story.

More info: The weight loss must be substantial. Strong before and after pics are a must.


Person or Story Wanted: Woman whose marriage ended in divorce because of Facebook.

Media outlet: National Newspaper Story.

More info: Urgently need to find a woman aged between 20 and 40 whose marriage ended in divorce because she discovered her partner indulging in flirtatious behaviour – or she indulged in flirtatious behaviour herself – on Facebook.


Person or Story Wanted: Couples who met on what might be described as the worst day of their lives.

Media outlet: Woman’s Magazine Article.

More info: For a fun and in-depth feature on relationships, we are looking for couples who met on a day that might be described as one of the worst days of their lives.  Perhaps they were involved in the same car accident and later fell in love.  Or perhaps he/she went to hospital where he/she met and fell in love with his/her doctor. Or the day he/she lost his/her job was the day he/she met ‘the One’. Or he/she was caught in a snow blizzard and his/her future partner rescued her/him.

Profile: Women aged 19-38


Person or Story Wanted: A couple who are divorced and happy

Media outlet: Sunday Newspaper Magazine Article.

More info: We’re looking for a man and a woman who were once married, but who have divorced amicably and are both happy they made the decision to split.  We’d need them both to speak about why it was the best choice for them and how they’ve kept their relationship friendly since. 


Person or Story Wanted: Couples giving love a second chance.

Media outlet: Woman’s magazine article.

More info: We are looking for two case studies.

1) a couple who were together, then split up, and then got back together to give it another go and it’s working out.

2) a woman who split up with her partner but tried again and sadly it didn’t work out the 2nd time either.

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